Friday, March 28, 2014

(*) The Simplicity of Love

Love for the lovely warms our hearts and makes us smile. 
Love for the less fortunate is beautiful. 
Love for those suffering and unloved is compassion. 
Love for your enemies is Christ’s love.
The Bible calls us to be consumed with Christ and His love.  His love is true love.  True love makes you love a person when there are no apparent reasons to love.  We show our faith and trust in the promises of God when we sacrifice our time and comfort for the sake of others. 
In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, the Bible tells us “The LORD our God is One.  Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.”  Our heart is the seat of our emotions and the very center of our being.  It is where we make all of the decisions.  Our soul is the basis of our traits, qualities, and personality.  Our strength consists of physical, mental, and spiritual.  This command to love God involves our whole entire being. 
As Christ the Messiah said, the most important commandment is to “Love God;” the second, is to “Love your neighbors as yourself,” including love your enemies.  This is an extraordinary call to love, which sums up the entire message of the Bible, and it is not an option… it is a command!
This is the message of Christ the Messiah that is unique and different than all the messages.  It is a call of sacrificial love, exemplified by God Himself.  It calls us to put our performances and achievements aside, and continue to love when it no longer makes any apparent sense...
Have you ever thought about how crazy and senseless it is to believe in the existence of God?  What about this command to love?  Throw our minds out the window and invite our heart back in!  Have you ever thought about why God didn't say "love me with all your 'mind'?"  No, no, no!  God says, "love me with all your 'heart', 'soul', and 'strength'." 

God's love is Crazy Love.  It is a command.  So, looking around the world... throw out what people say about themselves, how do you know who truly belongs to God?  ==> By their display of this Crazy Love.  Do you have Crazy Love? 

Our Struggle & Our Savior