Thursday, September 26, 2013

(*) Physcians = Special Forces

Today, I have learned another fact
Physician = Special Forces
We volunteer ourselves for the job
Trained to function under extreme exhaustion
Trained through negative reinforcements
See lots of trauma and death
Patients die right under our hands
Sweep all under a proverbial rug…

Viewed as Clergy, yet not trained
Regardless of age, expected to walk another from earth to life after
Expected to guide patients and families to help them die more peacefully and humane.

Things we experience may appear on the nightly news
But, no one would ever truly understand
We compartmentalize.

As I listen to ‘regular’ people. 
Express mystery with the process of illness
Do not understand: Process, diagnosis, treatment, death, ‘cure’
Pray for miraculous healing and removal of cancer.

Though I cannot ignore the mystery and the wonders
Most concerns of the ‘regular’ people have become second nature to me
I understand, as I deal with these things on a weekly bases.
Despite my age, I have seen a lot more than they’ve experienced.

Suddenly, a flood light blasted on
I realized that we live in 2 different universes.
As a physician, I am privileged to much more…
I have understanding to things other attribute as mysteries.
How do I reconcile the 2 worlds?
After all, these ‘regular’ people are my ‘patients’.

This reminds me:
1. Be present and emotionally available in the middle of their sufferings.
2. Treat the whole family as one, not just focus on the patient.
3. Identify and address their basic concerns and do not try to change them.
4. Numbers and statistics and figures are not helpful.  Delaying death is not our responsibility.
5. People want to know the big picture and if their loved ones will be comfortable and have good quality of life.
6. Take joy in all circumstances… it is possible even in the deepest of sadness.
7. Pray. This is the only language to communicate the mysteries

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