Sunday, April 20, 2008

First Impression of Tulsa, OK

I had the privilege during my second year of medical school to be the president of our chapter of the Christian Medical Dental Association (CMDA). I have always had the vision of connecting medical students to Christian doctors who are actively applying Faith in their practice. Through CMDA, I was connected with Rev. McLaughlin, who told me about this Family Practice residency in Tulsa, OK called In His Image… cool huh? This program has a mission to train Christian medical doctors to serve Him all over the world. Along with their medical training, they also built into their program spiritual retreats, spiritual assessments of patients, and tools to address spiritual needs of the patients. So, of course, I signed up as soon as I heard about it.

Well, I got to Tulsa yesterday! Here are my impressions before I got here: Bible-belt, tornado season, and I asked a friend about hiking (cuz I love hiking), well… I got the ‘are you crazy? look’… then followed by ‘it’s as flat as flat can be!’ So, now I’ve been here 2 days and drove around some, these are my first impressions: FLAT, fudge-brownie river, cute brick houses, very green, lots of big trees, lots of churches, lots of people exercising on the very nice long river trail next to the fudgy-brownie river. Oh yeah, the air quality is not bad! I have 3 roommates, all very passionate Christian guys who wanted to serve God and change the world. Ok ok ok, here are some pictures…

The flight over the Rocky Mountains; The Fudge-Brownie River (aka Arkansas River)

My home for the month; lots of international people have already beat me to it!

Oral Roberts University and its bell tower (the crystal looking thing)
You know how to reach me: Ski down the Rockys, float down the fudge river, and look for the crystal! Stay tuned...

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