Monday, December 14, 2009

Medecins Sans Frontieres - "Living in Emergency"

Wow, just saw that movie... that was crazy! I am a doctor and love to be involved in international work, and was very excited to see how much despirate needs are out there. That movie only portrays a tiny little slice of the problem we face in our world. I want to help, but can't help feeling helpless.

The struggles of those doctors are real. The life style was so terrible, they are so worn out in such a short time. Imagine operating under such little support and equipment and pyschological support. You definitely have to be trained in such a way like a special-forces-operative to handle that kind of emotional stress for any length of time.

I walked away very exhausted, partly because of my 13 hour ICU shift, and partly feeling overwhelmed by how much there is to do if we are in the business of helping people get better.

To live that kind of live-style as a doctor could turn us into either a machine or an animal... it is so un-natural and harsh. There needs to be a more holistic balance so that we can continue to serve and not burn out.

How does one approach this type of work? How does one get prepared for it? How do you interpret suffering? How do you prioritize who should live and who to let die? How do we apply God's grace and His Good News in this?

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Our Struggle & Our Savior