Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beauty of Red

So, for the past 2 days I have been working over night shifts at the ER, which gave me time to be up in the morning for some very nice hikes and bike rides in Sedona, AZ... land of beautiful red rocks and weird spiritual things, such as vortex, aliens, and crystals... and also an pretty cool looking church. Sedona is a place I reminesce about. This trip back is some what bitter and sweet. Bitter part is letting go, sweet part is enjoyment of beauty unmatched. If that doesn't make sense, don't ask.

A catholic church build on the side of the red rocks. Sitting quietly in the pews listening to sounds of monks chanting hymns almost took me back to the dark-age France. I remember myself in the monestery of Southern France a few years back, sitting in the old 12th century monestery off of the beaten path... walking by rolls of lavender and grapes... Times of solitude and peace.

A 6 mile hike around Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte . Bell Rock was the center of the universe as thought by some New Agies that the Commet was going to fly by and pick them up. No joke.

WHAT!? No bike... you've got to be kidding me... I can't believe this! This is an out rage! Fines! What! I can't believe this! .... ok, I better simmer down...

Look at those red sand... aww, such a beautiful and serene hike.

Memories... Now looking back... shadows... and a stallion with a small package. Don't ask.

My favorite rock... SNOOPY! A picture of Yours Truly at my favorite dig "The Wildflower Bread Company"... if you are good, you can see Snoopy behind me.

Ahhh... my bike and I and some red dirt makes great romance... or some pain in the crotch from all the rough ridin'

That was scary! See that slick rock path? That was what I had to ride on. I was scared. You see, I am no world class mountain biker and I don't have guts to fall 60 feet... so, I went about 10 minutes on this trail and I had to turn back. NO, I can't do it. Perhaps another day. The view was good though. I will be back!

Hey look... my alien friend! I can't believe that he/or she has been in that tin-can all these years. I can't believe I got to take a picture with 'it' or he or she or ... um... let's go find some aliens.

So, adding on to all the wack jobs that I saw... here is a crystal castle. First of all, it just looks like a broken down house. Then, I heard about these 'awesome vortexes' around Sedona... well, you see many people don't know about these vortexes, they literally will change your life! So, I've decided to interview a few experts... including my green friend above.... here is what transpired, you also have note the nervousness in their voice and the twirling of the hair and head and the inability to look you in the eyes:
  • Me: So, what are vortexes?
  • Them: Well, they are 'scientifically studied' areas that have 'positive or negative' electromagnetic energies beaming from the earth because of the rich iron or spiritual deposits.
  • Me: So, are they marked that I can experience and see it for myself?
  • Them: No, they are not, but if you happen to pass through one, you will feel it.
  • Me: So, what do you feel?
  • Them: Well, one time I was hiking in through the vortex and I decided to take a rest, and when I sat down, I noticed that everything around me and the earth beneath me was sort of humming and vibrating. And, you feel somewhat renewed. It was sort of different for everyone... it was awesome!
Alright, enough of that... if that make sense to you, I don't know what else to say. So, other than all the 'interesting' things I saw in Sedona, I still love the red rocks. I still love the hikes and the biking trails. I love that this environment encourages stillness and quietness. Peace and beamed out.


Taylor Simpson said...

WoW!! wish i could have joined you on your biking expedition. We would have made it together! at least be able to report it if one of us went over the edge... when i google elias' your blog comes up first!!

mrben said...

I envy the stillness of the hikes but not the memories from the area. The pictures were beautiful except for the vortex in the background. If you ever find yourself in one, see if you can find my old wallet.
If you want you can have a feast when you are down with good friends. Let me know if you have time for that.

Anonymous said...

I remembered the church, some trees were growing out of the cracks of that huge rock. How can they survive?

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