Saturday, December 27, 2008

Few weeks in Cambodia...

To fellow beloved, I want to tell you about my trip to Cambodia in a few days. Please pray for the team of physicians and I as we work to set up some health programs there. The trip comprises many different facets for caring of the people in need.

Purpose: About 75% of Cambodia is considered rural and medically under-served. There are many villages there without the care of a doctor. I was invited to go on this trip with a pediatrician who has worked to improve quality of child care in orphanages around the world. Our objectives are several: teaching of health aids to take care of villagers, set up an evaluation process that is to be carried out in times to come as way of quality assessment of our program, evaluation of orphanages, and talking with the embassy regarding international adoption issues.

Preparation: I had a lot of experience setting up assessments and analyzing data from studies, however, I haven't had a lot of experience helping to set up health promotion programs on the ground. So, I have been personally doing some reading regarding to information and history of the country and its people, plus additional reading about 'community health program' and other written wisdom of working in countries where there are not many doctors. I have also asked many of you as prayer and support partners. I don't know how many of you have committed to praying, but I know that you guys have already covered more than 90% of the funds needed for me to go. Our F'ather is great! I trust Him greatly and I also trust you guys and appreciate you guys for the prayer coverage. I know that prayers are the most important tool we have in the caring for His beloved.

Follow up: So, I will be keeping a journal with me. I don't expect to have any sort of connection to you for the next month. I may possibly be traveling from site to site and will not have a way to be connected to you. So, as soon as I return, I will try to post some pictures and some results of the trip. For those of you that supported me through this trip, I believe that you are there with me. I also believe that you will see your offerings multiply in unexpected ways. I appreciate your partnership.

What I need you to do: Pray earnestly for my team and I... for unity, for flexibility to learn and to move as He directs, and for effective witness. I will be connecting with you when I can. Blessings!!!

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