Sunday, February 8, 2009

Battlefield Acupuncture

I was so excited to see this article appear in the Spring 2009 edition of Acupuncture Today. So, let me tell you the story. When I was taking my medical acupuncture training back in December 2008, I learn about a technique called 'Battlefield Acupuncture.' It is a technique discovered by a US Air Force physician, Col. Dr. Niemtzow, and he has been using this 'secret' in the battlefield of the Iraq war and the war in Afghanistan... and it has worked wonders for wounded soldiers. Basically, it is a technique of 5 acupuncture needles to specific points of the ear that changes any pain level from, ex. 8/10 pain, to 1.5/10 pain. Amazing huh?! Well, it worked! I've seen it done by the instructor of the course I'm currently taking, Joseph Helms MD, the founder of the Helms Medical Institute.

So, according to this article, seeing the effectiveness of Dr. Niemtzow's work, the US Air Force, a government agency, has approved 32 scholarships for Air Force physicians to be trained in Medical Acupuncture! They are collaborating with the Helms Medical Institute for this effort!

Yay, this is going to be very good for the soldiers who are suffering with pain, and acupuncture with Chinese Medicine could also have amazing efficacies in addressing Post-Traumatic Stress. It is so exciting. As I'm studying more of this art of Chinese medicine and acupucture, I can see more uses for its applications grow with each patient I encounter.

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