Thursday, May 15, 2008

End of my third year...

I just realized that my third year in medical school will end tommorrow! I just had a day of interviews with the big cheeses in this family medicine residency, and I thought it went well. The people running this program are amazing! They love Jesus and are not ashamed of making their passions known! This program is currently involved in starting numerous family medicine training program around the globe. It's awesome!

So, here are my plans for the next few weeks: I am flying back home to CA on Sat morning... unpack... pack... and drive to Phoenix on Sunday. I am going back to my school in Phoenix for a week of testing, then 2 more weeks of class... then studying for my second series of medical board exams.

Yay, at the end of next week, I will officially be starting my 4th year in medical school! I am very excited. I wanted to offer congratulations to Kavi as she officially become a DO tommorrow, in Pomona... I'm sad that I won't be able to make it.

Thoughts on the last rotation of the year: I'm glad I came to Tulsa to In His Image. I've met with many amazing people, each with a miraculous story about how they came to love Jesus and how they come to be in medicine. I've also learned of their passion to be 'physician-christians' instead of 'christian-physicians.' (a perspective of where our identity lies) They have a passionate and God centered vision in using medicine to reach the souls around the world. I believe and identify with their vision and mission. God inspired, God ordained, God sustained... to Him be ALL of the Glory! It is awesome...

A spoon of sugar: dwell on this: Why are we treating and helping people for? To make them feel better? Then what? If our purposes are to help people, then when will it end, and for what purpose?

If your answer ends with helping people, make them feel better, make you feel better... and that's it, then I can suggest that your efforts WILL be short lived. May we seek to prepare everyone we get in contact with for God's seed. Be the 'tiller,' prepare the soil for growth. Send me.

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