Friday, May 16, 2008

Oklahoma Aquarium and Fireflys

Little shimmers of neon green glow... randomly appears in mid-air... what it is? You know, I've never seen fireflys before; we don't get them in CA or AZ. I finally saw a few tonight and it fascinated me enough to make me wonder all over the parking lot to randomly chase hardly visible little flies in the dark hoping they would pleasantly surprise me with their 'after'-glow. Wow, I wanted to catch one, but they only were kind enough to spark my curiosity then disappear into the dark.

So, I finished my final rotation of my third year today and I decided that I want to relax and go check out the famous Oklahoma Aquarium. I thought it had a pretty decent collection of fishes and such and a few sharks. I took some pictures and videos of a few things that I thought were interesting. You know I like the weird stuff... here are some weird creatures...

Sea Hare; Pencil urchin (don't they look like underwater explosives?)

Sea biscuit: when I saw the first biscuit, I thought it rolled around the sand and covered itself in it... then, I saw the second one... I was like, well, I think they are decorating themselves with rocks and sand and shells... hum... isn't that interesting!

Check out these Jurassic Age like creatures!

Fishes that have lungs... King of my rock!

Toad Fish; Electric Eel (can generate 650Volts of electricity)

Paddle Fish; Alligator Gar

Animals in action
Dancing Jelly Fish

Upside down Jelly fish - fishes, don't be tricked by the 'green sea weeds' they are part of their tanticles!

Paddle fish tank, what a weird fish

Feeding the Electric Eel... the sounds represent the electricity they are generating.

Archer Fish feeding: look at the shirmps on the glass, do you see how these fish shoot water to hit the target into water, then snatch it? They've got to have good eyes and good aim! My favorite!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

brother, this is awesome footage! I am wishing I had gone with you on some of these adventures!

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